The 2011-12 tax ended on 5 April 2012, over the next few months you will receive information regarding your rental properties, below is a checklist of the information that will be required in order to complete your self assessment tax return, this checklist should save you time when submitting your documents to us as they will be complete first time around
Is the property let furnished? Y/N ……….
Are there any losses to be brought forward? Y/N………..
If Y how much £…………..
Financial details
Gross income from property for the year ended 5 April 20( )………………………..£
Mortgage interest for the year ended 5 April 20( )…………….£
Repairs in total ………..£
Letting fees……………..£
Landlord’s mileage to inspect the property……….Miles.
Legal Fees………………£
Any other costs ………£
Any other information regarding this property?……